Permaculture Training

Permaculture offers a practical and affordable way to bring food security to families and communities in the Mara Region by utilizing locally abundant and natural resources.

The word permaculture comes from the words permanent and agriculture, and was coined by two Australian ecologists in the 1970s, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The objective of permaculture is to design an agriculturally productive ecosystem that has the diversity, stability, and resilience of a natural ecosystem that provides for human’s food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.

Almost anyone regardless of age or literacy can learn permaculture, and in so doing, can participate in the food security and environmental protection and restoration of their communities.

Kinesi Village Permaculture Training and Demonstration Center

The Kinesi Village permaculture plots are designed and maintained by individuals participating in GRA’s Orphans Program. These individuals grow organic food for over seventy households caring for one or more orphans in Kinesi, and raise and distribute tens of thousands of tree seedlings to individuals, schools and organizations in Kinesi and surrounding communities. They receive training and support from GRA Permaculture Design Certified staff and international volunteers.

Anyone interested in permaculture is welcome to volunteer on the plot and participate in training sessions. We also have a small garden at our office compound in Musoma Town that can be toured. Please contact the appropriate Program Coordinator if you would like to visit one of the plots or to find out about volunteering.


Obadia Magige, Reforestation and Permaculture Program Coordinator
Phone: +255 686 621 271 or +255 732 420 401
Address: Kinesi Permaculture Training Center
Kinesi Village, Rorya District, Mara Region, Tanzania


The organization AIDSTAR-One offers an excellent introduction for permaculture’s practical applications in the developing world.

Read about more amazing trees and learn about our Free Tree program.

Dog, chickens and laundry on line at Kinesi Village Permaculture plot.

Design for Kinesi Village Permaculture Training Center

Permaculture design for the Kinesi Village plot.

Capturing water in the wet season in preparation for the dry season.

Capturing water where banana trees will be planted.

Adult banana trees in Kinesi Village plot.

Adult banana trees mixed with other crops.

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